The joy of Meditations is becoming a habit and I don't feel too good if I miss out on my daily Meditations. I am able to go into silence faster and it is deeper. I am beginning to feel the Presence in the quiet. Surrender too is coming naturally. Most important of all is that a sense of detachment in me is very strong and I am not interested in anything except the Source, His service, His remembrance, His work, awareness and prayer. And the whole being is diverted towards Him.
-Rebony Ray
Rishis, Guruji, Maharshi Amara and Master V are always around pouring Light, affection and showing ways. I choose to be with goodness, compassion, Light, patience and hope for the good of all. The blessed journey continues in all abundance.
-Geeta Joshi
My two-year-old dog became quite sick and was admitted to the animal hospital for several days with suspected Pancreatitis. The blood tests showed that there was internal infection. I prayed to Santoshi Devi for healing, and the healing energies were channelled to the dog. When the ultrasound was eventually carried out there was no sign of internal infection. She immediately started to recover, despite the vet saying that it will be a long process. And soon she recovered fully! A family friend had burst appendix and peritonitis. Unfortunately, after she was discharged from the hospital she continued to deteriorate. They had to re-operate on her but as she was very weak, the operation had to be put off. I prayed to Santoshi Devi and the healing energies were channelled to her. Much to the surprise of everyone, she started to recover and did not need surgery again. I am grateful to the Rishis and Guruji for their help. Those who are close to me are now starting to believe in these unexplained situations; which to me is the Rishis' Grace, their help!
-Anne Chapman
I am seeing visions of future events in my Meditations, future events of that day or events of a few days ahead. I am practising the technique of contacting the Rishis and every time I do that I feel I am receiving a lot of energies and Love from them. I had an experience one day in my Meditation. I started getting thoughts of all the pain, suffering and disappointment faced by me and people close to me, and instead of feeling disturbed by it, I felt the beauty in these experiences. I felt like I was viewing life from an elevated place, where good and bad don't exist and everything felt beautiful. It is very difficult to put this in words, but I felt true beauty. For the first time I felt I saw how God views this world, loving everything and differentiating nothing. My trust in Rishis is deeper now. I feel the freedom and joy in surrender. I feel protected always and have overcome lot of fears and worries. I easily love and accept everyone and everything. I am able to recognize the voice of my ego and try to ignore it. The only thing that really matters to me now is, Light and the closeness with Rishis. This simple shift in priority has made me very happy, carefree and brought me peace. Every time I come to a crossroad where I face a difficulty, I just remember what is important and I am instantly relieved.
-A Meditator
A few weeks ago, one day very early in the morning, I got a call from a person very close to me. She was unwell and had severe stomach ache and diarrhoea. She had no medicine at home and was not in a position to go out to buy medicines. She was crying and felt utterly helpless. She was unable to speak and began conversing with me through text messages. I too felt helpless and began praying to Guruji and Light. I realized later that I unconsciously began sending Love and healing energies to her. And then, all of a sudden, her messages stopped coming. I was worried and anxious. After anxiously waiting for three long hours, finally I received her message. While conversing with me, she had fallen asleep! There was no pain and the diarrhoea had stopped! I thanked Guruji, Light and Santoshi Devi for their help. They always help.
-A Sadak
I had a terrible conflict with a relative. But surprisingly, I did not react in the way I used to - I could sense and be aware of the negative emotions and could fight them. I prayed hard that I shouldn't hurt the person and realized that the whole situation was about me and my growth. The physical weight that was weighing on me just disappeared when I made the choice to forgive! I was able to practise experiencing Oneness and sending Love to the person too! I am so grateful for the Sunday lecture videos - they give so much of wisdom and help at all times! And truly, each technique really helps!
-Maitreyi Sasank